0 Gladiator Innovations Gladiator Innovations

Key Features

Analytical Toolbox

Analytical Toolbox caters a set of automated analysis for the optimization of GSM, WCDMA, LTE and NR networks.

Analytical Toolbox

Analytical Toolbox caters a set of automated analysis for the optimization of GSM, WCDMA, LTE and NR networks.

The feature comes with the run and go algorithms that primarily focus on three types of analysis:

  • Area (Phone, scanner, multi-device)
    • Examine larger area
    • Work with binned data
  • Event (Voice, data & OTT)
    • Examine various events during the call
  • Reports (Statistics and KPIs)
    • Summarize overall statistics and KPIs for the drive test

The Toolbox consists of the following predefined algorithms that provides users a luxury to change the thresholds as per their needs:

  • Coverage analysis
  • Quality analysis
  • Throughput analysis
  • Pollution/Interference analysis
  • Negative event
  • Cross Feeder analysis
  • Best Server
  • Missing neighbor
  • Reports

Once executed, the algorithm provides a downloadable output analysis report consisting of relevant maps, worksheets and excel report and the result tables.

The toolbox identifies the area of weaknesses with respect to the input thresholds, highlights them over the map and provides the reasons for degradation in the result tables. With the readymade analytics, the engineering team could optimize the whole cluster in limited time, thus reduce the turn-around time of submission and acceptance.
